I like to be out photographing the light. Yesterday it was warm, silent, no wind and the sunlight was so warm. I have been out on meny places around Boden photograping with my neighbour, Birgit Bodén.
My grandfather lives in a small village deep in the forest in North Sweden. The winter is cold and there are ower one meter snow. They have problems with electricity sometimes in the winter. I used to sit there in his silent kitchen and draw. I was drawing a childrens book when he was sleeping but when he was awake I made some coffee to him and he started telling stories. Some of them where true some he made up for the moment but all of them was pieces of that life he had lived.
This winter in 2005 was wery cold and I almost ran on a big bull elk when i drowe to Parkalombolo. Parkalombolo is the name of grandpa´s village.
This coffee morning he told me my favourite story: When he traveled around in the Torneriver valley he stopped for a coffee in Grönbo. They had coffee and sometimes girls he wispered to me. This time they sat having a cup the police came in. The women that ran the cafe asked the police why they are in Grönbo. The police told her that Grönbo is not far away from a wery good smuggling point, and they had got hints that the Pohjanen smuggler would smuggle in that night. When the police went out, all men felt sorry for Pohjanen and the women hastened to call the Pohjanens house. Pohjanen was about to leave and wasgrateful forthe knowledge thatthe policewereon the move.
Then grandpa asked me; do You want to eat fish today? Yes, I loved his fish without potatoes. He had this flower on the table and i writed down his stories and drawed tha flower as a memory of a nice evening.
A biologist nailed a ded stingray in front of me when we were in Menorca, he needed a detailed painting of it. He heconducted researchonenvironmental pollution andhowit affecteddifferent species.
The other picture I made for Paul Buckhöj when he taught our class scientic illustrations. He showed us photograps of a hand that he peeled off the skin and the nerbs. He thaught us aboat how to paint the body...the creepy was that he cut in corpses.
My sister and Iused to beina stable when we were kids,werodeabout oncea weekandtraineddressageandjumping.The associationneeded a newlogo andmy proposalwon.But I haddrawn agallopinghorse withrider.
On the Menorca iland there was a lot och old boats in a limestone quarry. I and my friend went there and painted some boats in aquarelle just to get patience an exercise in drawing.
To be an illustrator is a matter och observation and patience. The only way to get patience is to paint and draw ditailed and complicated pictures..the spider is only 2 millimeters long, drawn with a needle on a black paper with white base.