Thursday, August 26, 2010


I sold two pitures to a wedding magazine!

One example!

I did a work for this company. With logo and company profile.

I found job on a web site

Freelance Jobs
This is one site where I have found jobs. Very interesting!

A film. Dont eat fat food!

This film is made in 3D studio max.
This is a book cover and its made of pieces of colours, I worked together with an Norwegian artist. I made it in five days.

Tucan Bird!

I lived some weeks in Brasil and had some journeys to Argentina and Paraguay. This tukan was my favourite picture. The tucan bird was tired and wanted go to sleep when I came to see him in the evening. He is angry but listen to me when I talk with him.

Four minutes film.

This butterfly is a filmstar in a short film aboat hope...the film comes out 2012...

Public commissions in Övertorneå!

This is one of 12 salmon that jump upstreams beside a road where you walk uphill. Done in wood and with a size of a living salmon.
This is a favourite commercial I made in a few days..maybe a week(with a text: Contact us to have your own unique design). The totally favourite of mee is a car I painted in four days! A black cherokee with birches! Photo of the nice car comes zoon!